The Hampstead Neighbourhood Forum was set up to create a Neighbourhood Plan under the provisions of the Localism Act. Here, we present a chronological account of progress towards the Plan’s adoption in 2018. The events listed below, and the documents behind each link, are steps in a long journey that, we hope, resulted in a Neighbourhood Plan representing the ambitions of people who live and work in Hampstead.
Following passage in the referendum of 21 June 2018, Camden Council formally adopted the Hampstead Neighbourhood Plan 2018-2033 on 8 October 2018.
Residents approved the Hampstead Neighbourhood Plan 2018-2033 in a referendum on 21 June 2018. The results, declared by Camden’s election team, were as follows: 1,484 votes in favour, 138 against, and two votes rejected. This meant that 91.5% of voters supported the Plan, and 8.5% opposed it. The turnout was 20.5%. All registered voters living in the plan area were eligible to vote.
The Plan will become planning law, sitting alongside Camden’s local plan.
The Hampstead Neighbourhood Plan 2018-2033 passed independent examination in March 2018 and was approved by Camden Council on 26 March 2018. A public referendum to approve the Plan will be held on 21 June 2018.
The fifth AGM was held at Burgh House on 12 March 2018. Janine Griffis, chair, announced that the Plan had passed final examination and, following Camden Council’s approval, would proceed to referendum. Highlights of the Plan’s contents were presented by Committee members. A new committee was elected.
The draft Hampstead Neighbourhood Plan was submitted for independent examination in January 2018. This followed public consultations held in 2017, first by the Forum and later by Camden.
The committee’s meetings in 2017 were mainly occupied with consultation, review, and adjustments to the draft of the Hampstead Neighbourhood and steps towards submission to Camden, as well as preparations for independent examination of the draft in 2018 — meetings held in January, May, July and September.
The fourth AGM was held at Burgh House. At the meeting, the Forum launched a public consultation on the draft Hampstead Neighbourhood Plan. Janine Griffis, chair, gave a presentation. A new committee was elected.
The committee’s meetings in 2016 again were primarily focused on drafting of the Hampstead Neighbourhood Plan — meetings in January, February, April, May, June, September and October.
The third AGM was held at St Stephen’s Rosslyn Hill. Short presentations were given on several of the Forum’s projects, for example by Stephen Taylor on air quality. Janine Griffis, Forum Chair, summarised progress on developing the Neighbourhood Plan. A new committee, including several new members, was elected.
The Forum’s committee held nine meetings in 2015. Most of its discussions were about the development of the Hampstead Neighbourhood Plan, which is the Forum’s main goal. A draft of the Plan was taking shape throughout the year and is continuing to be developed in spring 2016.
Meetings in January, February, April, May, June, July, September, October and November.
The second AGM was held at St Stephen’s Rosslyn Hill. Well over 100 of the Forum’s 800 members attended. The meeting heard a report on the Forum’s progress and a presentation from representatives of Highgate Neighbourhood Forum. A new committee, including several new members, was voted in.
The Forum presented the results of the Vision consultation to residents at Hampstead Community Centre. Those who attended then discussed priorities for the Neighbourhood Plan, based on the aims and objectives contained in the Vision document.
The Forum’s committee held its seventh meeting.
About 400 people responded to the Vision document, and gave it strong backing. Residents gave their views by answering a questionnaire. Just over half of respondents also offered written comments. We also made a more detailed analysis of responses, question by question. Finally, we analysed the information that respondents gave about themselves.
The Forum’s committee held its sixth meeting.
Camden formally approved the designation of Hampstead Neighbourhood Forum.
Vision document
The Forum’s Vision document, deriving from the public consultation carried out so far by the Forum, was circulated to all households within the Forum’s area, with an invitation to comment. The purpose of the document was to set aims and objectives that would provide the foundations for the Neighbourhood Plan.
The Forum’s committee held its fifth meeting.
The Forum’s committee held its fourth meeting.
Forum volunteers discussed local issues and signed up many new members at its stands at summer festivals.
At the Forum’s third committee meeting, it was decided to devise a Vision document for public consultation, as an important step towards building a Neighbourhood Plan.
Each neighbourhood forum requires approval from the local authority before it can proceed. Among the elements that require formal approval are the proposed area boundaries, and the constitution. The authority also must be satisfied that a forum has consulted widely. Before it can give this approval, the authority must hold a six-week public consultation.
The Forum’s committee held its second meeting.
About 120 people attended a tea party at St Stephens, Rosslyn Hill. Like the previous two public meetings, this produced many thoughts from residents.
The Forum’s committee held its first meeting.
Immediately after the AGM, those who attended took part in a brainstorming session about priorities for the Forum.
The Forum’s first annual general meeting was held at Hampstead Community Centre. About 80 people attended. A constitution and boundaries for the Forum’s area were proposed, and a committee was elected.
About 50 people gathered at Burgh House to discuss what was important to them about Hampstead, and their priorities for the village’s future. The purpose was to begin setting the mandate for the Hampstead Neighbourhood Forum, which was being established to develop a Neighbourhood Plan under the provisions of the Localism Act.