
Mission 2020-24

The vision of the Hampstead Neighbourhood Plan
To conserve and foster Hampstead’s charm and liveability by protecting the distinctive character of buildings and open spaces, the Heath, healthy living, community spirit and the local economy.

Ensuring the performance of the Plan

  1. Commenting on specific planning applications regarding their alignment with the Neighbourhood Plan; and monitoring outcomes.
  2. Conducting evidence-gathering, fieldwork and community engagement to support the above.
  3. Connecting with Camden planners on the Plan’s interpretation, and with residents/developers on its rationale including, where appropriate, by writing additional guidance.

Keeping the plan under review

  1. Identifying areas for review and improvement when the Neighbourhood Plan is next updated.
  2. Remaining ready to propose (and take responsibility for) an update of the Plan at such time that this is required.
  3. Ensuring that the Plan continues to support its expressed vision and aims.

Using the Forum’s experience to benefit the community

  1. Being a trusted source of information, through the Forum’s website, including the Planning Watch’ section, and where appropriate through social media and other outlets.
  2. Being a forum on issues important to residents, where such activity is in keeping with the Plan’s expressed vision, aims and policies. This means using the Forum’s experience of public engagement to foster discussion, both among residents and with Camden, that help to lead towards solutions. (Current examples include taking part in development of transport strategy; seeking better air quality; assisting Councillors by arranging public consultation on potential projects for use of proceeds of the Community Infrastructure Levy; and monitoring important and veteran trees.) The Forum seeks promotion of Hampstead’s unique character (for example by seeking to protect pubs and other sites as assets of community value).

Principles of the Forum’s activities

  • Community-led: Based on assessment of the views and concerns of Hampstead’s community, supported by public consultation; and informed through liaison with Councillors, Camden officials and community and business bodies.
  • Evidence-based: Based on evidence, or highlighting areas where evidence is required.
  • Plan-based: Rooted in the mandate under which the Forum developed and wrote the Neighbourhood Plan, and in the Plan’s objectives and policies.